
Informing About Toxic Communities & Promoting Safe Spaces

The OmniLucid RACIST Discord Server: A Case of Online Racism

In our efforts to promote safe and respectful online spaces, it's important to address instances where communities fall short of this goal. One such example is the OmniLucid Discord server, a group that unfortunately demonstrates toxic behavior and racist attitudes under the guise of discussing lucid dreaming.

As with any form of discrimination, the effects of such toxicity are far-reaching and damaging. It harms individuals and discourages diversity and inclusivity. We strongly recommend potential members to seek other, more respectful platforms for their discussions on lucid dreaming. Especially those without the user named, "BugMilk"

As we move forward, we will strive to spotlight safe, inclusive communities where healthy conversations about various topics, including lucid dreaming, can be had. Remember, your voice matters, and you have the right to participate in spaces that respect your individuality and dignity. - Skyfall Blind Dreamer